Cordova Bay Elementary School PAC


Our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) works together with the school to support a positive learning environment, assist with decision making affecting the students, and fundraise to support school endeavours such as field trips, infrastructure, programs and projects.

All parents & caregivers at Cordova Bay Elementary School are members of the PAC. Please join us in making a positive impact for our children at Cordova Bay Elementary!

Help us with your time and contribute to our current fundraisings and events by signing up. We appreciate all your contributions.

Important Updates

Hot Lunch!

To order login to HEALTHY HUNGER

Weekly Newsletter

Check out the latest updates at our school from our NEWSLETTER

Monthly PAC Meeting Minutes

Join us every first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm via Zoom. All members are welcome! Zoom invitation is available HERE

Current School Events Calendar

Find all of school events and updates in the SCHOOL CALENDAR

Parent Social & Silent Auction Night


Friday May 9th @ Canadian Brewhouse Uptown


Save the date & book the sitters!


Tickets Available Soon!


Parent Social & Silent Auction Night β€’ Friday May 9th @ Canadian Brewhouse Uptown β€’ Save the date & book the sitters! β€’ Tickets Available Soon! β€’

Our fundraising goal this year is $44,000

Where do your dollars go?

Find out more about our current school year budget and financials here.

  • This year PAC budgets $350 for every division. We also include music, French, library, and learning services. That totals $6500 into your child’s classroom.

  • We give our gaming grant + $5 per student to every division to fund field trips. Teachers get to choose where to use these funds. Keep an eye open for your cost $0. This was funded by PAC!

    PAC also covers the costs for the annual buddy class skating field trip.

  • Every year we write $1200 cheque to stock our art room with supplies that are not provided by the district.

    We also fund the Maker Space supply restock.

  • PAC is happy to announce that through our fundraising we are contributing $9000 towards a new and upgraded Audio Visual system for our gym. Great timing for our Beauty & the Beast Musical this year.

    Gone are the old school slide show projector!

  • We put aside $2000-$3000 to help run the musical. This year we are so excited to help Mrs Kaecher & Mrs Lockhart run the Beauty & the Beast Musical!

    Through our recent musical fundraising 100% of the fund raised went back into the theatre program. From this fund we were able to purchase 10 new lapel microphones. No more sharing mics on stage!

  • PAC is proud to have $3000 available to the school staff for activities, presentations, or ceremonies that align with the Saanich School Districts Strategies Plan Goals.

    Recently for Carnival and Metis Culture Celebration week we were visited by Elder Jo-Ina. They shared Metis culture, songs, and interesting Canadian artifacts.

  • PAC is proud to help fund classroom programs such as Mathletics, literary visits by authors, Science Venture at UVic, athletic programs like Rocks & Rings Curling, and many others.

    We also contribute to playground equipments such as mini soccer nets and dump trucks for the playground.

    We are also hosting a parent education evening this Spring. Look for more details in our Newsletter and Social Media posts.

  • From balloon arches and photo prop for first day of school to handing out freezies to celebrate the last day of school. Bouncy castles and lawn games at the Welcome Back BBQ, building a haunted house at Hoot β€˜N Howl, assisting grade 5 Grad Committee and organizing Teacher’s Appreciation Lunches. Your volunteer and financial contributions are truly meaningful investments in our children education, wellbeing and the health of our school community.

    The grass is truly greener where you water them.

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