2024 - 2025 CBSPAC Executives
President - Jessica Williams
Vice President - Carlie Curry
Treasurer - Erin McMorris (OPEN)
Secretary & Web Manager - Efa Wong
Communications & Social Media - Carlie Curry & Anita Dhaliwal
COPACS Rep. - Mike Giordano
Past CBSPAC Presidents - Pia Dhariwal & Amber Moore
Members at Large - Judy Sam
Other PAC Roles
Hot Lunch Coordinator - Anne-Marie Griffiths
Purdy’s Fundraiser - Stacey Bendall
Country Grocer’s Fundraiser - Gigi Yu
Bottle Return Coordinator - Janna Loudon
School Apparel - Erin Douglas
Gardenworks Fundraiser - Tanya Aiyadurai
Staff Appreciation Luncheon - Judy Sam
New Fundraisers - Stephanie Gingras-Hill
Gaming License Application - Rebecca Mullin
Shopper (Costco) - Amber Moore
Grant Lead - Sarah Tiller
Silent Auction Coordinator - Lindsay Eason
Hoot & Howl Gooey Gallery - Michelle Joergensen, Willow Meili, Natalie Martin, & Chelsea Davidson
Parent Social Coordinator - Lindsay Eason, Mike Giordano & Jessica Williams
Bottle Driver Coordinator - OPEN
Events Planning & Committee - OPEN
Art Supply Liaison - Michelle Joergensen
Did you know that many of our volunteer jobs are very little commitment and time? Please consider helping your PAC by signing up below!
If you would like to be included in our volunteer/events committee list or join this list of parents please email us at cordovabaypac@gmail.com
Executive Roles & Responsibilities
Serve as a direct liaison between School Administration and the parent’s group, preside at monthly executive meetings, coordinate key fundraising initiatives, support ongoing fundraise and be a signing officer.
Support the President or Co-Presidents and act as back up lead for monthly executive meetings, support key fundraising initiatives as well as ongoing fundraisers, create Google Drive sign-ups, and coordinate volunteers for events/fundraisers, and be a signing officer.
The Treasurer ensures all funds are properly accounted for, disburse funds as authorized, reconcile & generate financial reports, provide monthly budget updates, and apply for our annual Gaming Grant.
Creating and distributing regular email newsletter to the school community, create & distribute event posters, signage tickets, etc. and maintain social media platforms with upcoming PAC events & initiatives.
Attend & record minutes of monthly meetings, prepare and make available minutes on our shared drives.
Our COPACS Rep will attend and represent our school at monthly meetings.
Assist PAC Executives with various tasks throughout the year. For example, selling tickets for events, printing, event set up/clean up, shopping, constructing game, collecting silent auction items, and so on. Pick and choose what you have time and interest to assist with.
Did you know that most of our Executive roles can be shared between two parents to lighten the load and provide back up supports? Please find our role description above and reach out to cordovabaypac@gmail.com if you would like to inquire about any of the positions. We will put you in touch with the current parent acting in the role and they can fill you in further on the position. We would love for you to consider joining us for the upcoming year!
Although many of our PAC members are returning, we have flexibility in all roles to make space for new parents to join.